A good night’s sleep, steady blood sugar levels, and a regulated body temperature may not seem related, but they share one significant trait – they’re all influenced by your endocrine system. This complex network of organs, glands, and hormones impacts nearly every cell and bodily function, which is why finding balance within this body system is key to living your healthiest, most vibrant life.
The endocrine system works in a delicate balance to deliver the right kinds of hormones, in the perfect amounts, to different receptor sites throughout the body. When just one hormone is out of balance, even slightly, it can throw off the entire system.
Addressing hormonal imbalance right at the root and look to create balance there through various interventions, including nutrition and lifestyle changes, is important before moving on.
Chronic stress (the adrenals) and blood sugar imbalances (insulin) are often at the root cause of hormonal imbalance.
Each individual may require a bio-individual approach and different nutrition and lifestyle supports at different times.
What are you doing to support your endocrine system?